The Most Memorable Neighbors We Had in Our 20s
Neighbors: A Crack the Spine Themed Anthology
“1. Mr. Upstairs, who played The Mighty Mighty Bosstones at 8:00 in the morning and slept in a hammock. He invited us to climb out his window and drink beers on the roof.”
What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Gilmore Girls
The Women of Amy Sherman-Palladino
“In the world of Stars Hollow, unplanned pregnancies are virtually the only kind. Yet, for a series that goes back to this particular well so frequently as a source of drama, Gilmore Girls is conspicuously uninterested in the various possibilities such a plot twist can lead to.”
Pumpkin Spice Fever Is Our Bizarre Attempt to Reclaim Seasonal Food Traditions
“It’s 2003 and Starbuck’s has just released its latest seasonal menu offering: the soon-to-be-iconic Pumpkin Spice Latte. Within a few years, it will become a global phenomenon, known simply by its initials. Like a president. FDR, JFK, PSL. Also like a president, the syrupy coffee drink will soon prove to be culturally divisive.”
Family Style
Crack the Spine, Issue 250
“Aunt Lisa, the relative with the largest presence in our lives, existed primarily as the unheard voice whose silence punctuated our mother’s chatter in conversations that echoed through our house, a tuneless soundtrack to our daily lives.”
How to Knit Baby Socks
Gravel, December 2018
“You choose pink. Something so pink it’s sickening. Emetic, you think. You cannot help yourself. You want a girl, desperately, and this makes you feel deeply silly. ”